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Radio frequency issue range lock out - UV5R (maybe others)


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Didn't really pay attention to this as my old radios worked fine. Having bought 2 new Uv5Rs, i didnt read the description, even though it was in bright yellow (forgot my range anyway) so went ahead :lol::rolleyes:


Click here to view an Ebay posting of an example


seems they are locked out above 440MHz to transmit even if you do have the license, all my frequencies being over 440 it seems, you can factory reset them which on the 2 new ones has fixed the issue thanks to youtube but one of my old ones doesn't want to play ball.


So when you use chirp to upload the data, the PTT button will only beep and wont allow transmit after


anyone else had this issue recently? (assuming we are all doing this legally here!) 


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