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Hi all.

I am a newbie to Airsoft, I have joined because I want to know more about airsoft guns, and I would like to collect them rather than skirmish them, I live in York North Yorkshire, and I work for Network Rail. I am in my senior years, so you will understand my wanting just to collect, anyhow, I had enough crawling through Mud and Dirt in the forces, the old body will not take it now.

Regards to All


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  marksman556 said:
Well you will have to have two tones then.

To get realistic guns you need to be a skirmisher


Welcome to afuk


You do not have to be a skirmisher to have realistic guns, you have to comply with the VCR act, and if you have an exemption and can provide documented proof of VCR exemption, you may then hold / collect realistic guns, I work as a Military Advisor to Film and Television, and have Registered Proof of Involvement with Stage, Televison and Theatre. a Person can also collect deactivated guns as they are not under VCR Rules, so I wont have to have Two Tone.



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  marksman556 said:
Fair enough, I just assumed u wouldnt have a defence due to not skirmishing



No Probs matey, I understand that you have to tell all newbies as anybody could be coming into the game, BUT never forget "Assumption is the Downfall of All Battles".... lol.


Cheers Bro.

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