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Scorpion 3A1 (pre 2020 model) maintenance and upgrade advice request.


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I have a Scorpion Evo 3 A1 (over 10 years old) and haven't used it in over 5 years. I'm getting back into airsoft and wanted to maintain and improve my scorpion before deciding on whether to get a new RIF


I always found it's range is a little short which is fine indoors but not great outside. Want to put some more basic/cheaper upgrades in it before my next game. Then after a few games I can decide on whether it's worth adding any more upgrades.


Priority improvement order is: 

  • Running heaver BBS (what weight should I aim for)
  • Improve accuracy
  • Improve range


What upgrades would people recommend? 

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Worth checking the energy levels on a chrono, see if its dropped off at all.


Heavier ammo is always a good starting point for range, an evo should handle it ok.


As for upgrades, whilst the evo can be made better, its starting position is usually pretty damn good and it can be hard to make significant improvements, one of those guns that's often better left alone.

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As above, check power and consistency with a chrono. If you don't have access to one, purchasing one should be your first priority before any upgrading. Changing the hop rubber and barrel is a little more involved than with an M4, as you have to dismantle the upper receiver. The stock inner barrel is pretty decent, but brass, so can suffer from corrosion. Check the condition and if you're not happy, any the same length would be suitable, I have a prommy in mine but ORGA do one, so do PDI & Madbull. Same goes for the rubber and nub but if you haven't changed it in over ten years (not even sure they've even been out that long TBH), then it's worth doing while you're there. Anything like the prommy purple, lonex soft, maple leaf 50/60 degree will be fine.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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