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New CYMA G36 Highspeed shooting to the right


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My son just received his CYMA G36 Highspeed gun. We have been testing it on a small garden range of max 10m and the gun has a definite right bias. It is about 5cm off from 5m (so without curving it would be 0.5m from 50m).


When you just look at the bbs it fires fine and it looks straight but at 10m you can’t really see whether the bbs are curving or not.


I guess there are 3 potential problems

  1. The ironsight is not aligned properly (you can’t zero the ironsight)
  2. The barrel is misaligned (either horizontally or slightly rotated)
  3. The hop is imparting side-spin (e.g. pressing down more on one side than the other) 


The 3rd is probably the most likely one but I will only be able to confirm that if I can observe the flight on a longer shot.

How would you go on to investigate and fix it?


What tolerances would you expect from an Airsoft gun. Is a miss of 5cm from 5m acceptable or is there a problem?






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Yup, if it's consistent, then those are the possibilities, although it's always worth cleaning the barrel anyway.


If you had a red dot or adjustable iron sights, you might not even know there was a problem.


If you pull the hop unit and inner barrel out and pop off the C-clip underneath the hop, you might be able to see if the inner barrel is slightly misaligned. A tiny twist can often sort these issues - a lot of airsoft is trial and error.  Failing that, pull the barrel and bucking, make sure the bucking is square on the barrel, and re-insert (squarely).


This is fairly easy on a G36, 3 screws to release the outer barrel, then to get the hop unit and inner barrel out is a push-and-turn.  The procedure is shown here, and elsewhere.



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I’ve taken the hop out as much as I could but it was still missing to the right.

I’ve rotated the gun anti-clockwise by 90 degree and it was now shooting straight but above target (basically what you would expect).

Adding hop back did not change the results dramatically.


I will go to a friends place on Wednesday who’s got a large garden (max 100m range) with no neighbours. There I will be able to see whether the bbs are slicing (golfer’s term for balls curving to the right because of side spin) or whether the sights are not aligned. 

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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