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Vfc hk417 selector plate.


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I picked up a boneyard vfc hk417 and it needs a new selector plate.

Looking about online. The original seems scarce and the places that do have it all want ridiculous amounts for shipping (some cases nearly £100)


Can anyone recommend an alternative plate or know of any places selling one without the ridiculous shipping charges 


EDIT- I was planning to fit an wolverine inferno into the rif. But the selector plate is obviously kinda essential 

Edited by ghostwalker
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Cheers. I have ordered one and just hope customs don't decide to jump on it 


I had seen it but my tired brain saw yhe price jump from £7 to $149 and had a fit. 

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6 hours ago, ghostwalker said:

Cheers. I have ordered one and just hope customs don't decide to jump on it 


I had seen it but my tired brain saw yhe price jump from £7 to $149 and had a fit. 

Hong Kong dollars can be rather frightening.

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Saying that.

I just looked at replacing the selector switch itself as it's in pretty bad shape. Only in stock one I for d was in Canada for $17 I'm ok with that. Not so ok with them wanting $100 to ship it though. Might try and see if the tm one can be Jerry rigged to fit instead or if vfc get back to me about sourcing a replacement 

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2 hours ago, ghostwalker said:

Saying that.

I just looked at replacing the selector switch itself as it's in pretty bad shape. Only in stock one I for d was in Canada for $17 I'm ok with that. Not so ok with them wanting $100 to ship it though. Might try and see if the tm one can be Jerry rigged to fit instead or if vfc get back to me about sourcing a replacement 

This one in the USA has it in stock; no idea about postage though: https://www.classic-airsoft.com/vfc-selector-switch-assembly-for-417-series-airsoft-aeg-rifles-products2677647.html

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cheers @Colin Alleni have tried to order from them. unsure if the order actually worked though lol. Website is a little clunky!

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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