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Knocker operation TM style G series


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Am I right in thinking that the knocker in G series pistols holds the magazine valve open until the slide recoils?

In consequence anything which causes the slide to be slow, delayed or stuck means that the mag vents extra gas or just vents continuously?

That's how it appears to operate and I'm not sure it's meant to. Or is the action of the slide critical to current function?



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English is not my native tounge so bare with me on this.

But I’m going to try to give you an answer.


The answer to your first question is no.
The valve doesn’t remain open ”until the slide recoils”. But hopefully the gas vented will make the slide recoil.

Make sense?

The valveknocker will hit the valve and then ”relax” (getting pushed back by the valvespring) allowing the valve to close after each shot.

How long the valve remains open depends on many different factors.

Like hammerspring strength, valvespring strength and the preassure of the gas you’e using (psi).


The slide recoiling is essential  for the hammer reseting allowing another shot.


Problems regarding the slide not cycling correctly might depend on a number of issues.

Aswell as if your mag is venting all gas or lightstriking.


My advice is to go on youtube and learn the basic function aswell to try your theories in real life just ”fiddling” with your gun as you did yourself when 12.


Hope this answer is somewhat understandable. 
(also, chance is that I’m misunderstanding your question)

Good luck and cheers










Edited by theSwede
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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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