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LVOA-S Realistic Price


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Need some help with my pricing. I have been listing my RIF which is a Barebones kit. I had all of the internals stripped as it previously had a HPA system in it. 

What is a reasonable price I can expect from this. I feel like I might have been overly optimistic with my pricing. Some honest feedback would be appreciated.

Below is my current listing.


Would making a new listing outside of the HPA option help. When I listed it originally it was a complete system.




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Not a clue, bustin' makes me feel sad. I'd be surprised if there is a typical "market price" for a niche example of a niche gun in a niche hobby.


What I would suggest is detailing whatever would be needed to make it shootable again, and the price/availability for that.


Would you be better off spending the extra, and then selling it as usable?



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Yeah I kinda fell into the trap of trying to please multiple people. I did have someone lined up for both parts, the RIF as someone wanted that as their project gun, and then someone for the hpa engine and bits for that. But then the RIF guy fell through. Ideally I was wanting to sell it as a complete system, retrospectively I will stick to doing that in the future. 


And yes, just sick of looking at it, knowing it's not getting use.


Thank you both for your feedback though. Seems if I'm wanting to shift it, just need to mark it down a fair bit to get interest on it.

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It's really whether you can find a buyer.  I mean, you could ask for a pack of Haribo and a reach-around and still not find anyone wanting to touch it (the Haribo, I mean).


Have you stuck it up in other classifieds too?

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1 hour ago, Rogerborg said:

It's really whether you can find a buyer.  I mean, you could ask for a pack of Haribo and a reach-around and still not find anyone wanting to touch it (the Haribo, I mean).


Have you stuck it up in other classifieds too?

The reach-around might be a good tactic. I will try that one out.

I'll let you know how well it's received....


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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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