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TM Glock 26


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I know that when the mag is removed the trigger will return to the forward position after it has been pulled. Unlike on other TM Glock models. 


Why is this ?


And since WE gen4 Glocks are copies of the gen4 Maruis, I'm assuming that the trigger on the WE Baby Glock works the same way.


Is this the case?

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It's the same with the KJW version, sorry not sure why it is though.


I will  add that WE Gen.4 Glocks aren't copies of the Gen.4 Marui - The WE was around for several years before TM released theirs. The TM also has a different hop unit, outer barrel and some pin differences etc in the frame etc. Not sure what diameter the WE nozzles are though? The TM Gen.4's are of course 15mm.

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The TM glock 26 was the 1st TM glock(kjw is a clone). So 1st iteration of the design and they decided they wanted more realistic(ie trigger didn't return untill cocked). Trying to remember if the 18c or 17 was next.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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