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Krytac LVOA-C Barrel Lengths Help


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For context; i'm changing my bucking/nub to a maple leaf macaron 60 degree bucking and omega nub. I'm hoping for more accurate and consistent shots at 'max' range. I was advised that I might as well change my barrel when doing so as the stock ones (apparently) aren't fantastic and i'd likely benefit from a 6.03mm bore.


I'm looking at getting a new/upgraded barrel when I change my bucking/nub however i've only found Prometheus barrels are made to the exact length of the stock inner barrel. The closest alternative i've found is a PDI 6.03mm that measures 375mm in length, the stock barrel measures 387.5mm.


Is it okay to have a inner barrel that's slightly shorter than the stock barrel? Will this cause an issues like BBs striking the outer barrel or should I just stick with the Prometheus option?

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3 hours ago, Pseudotectonic said:

If you have a drill you can try polishing the inside of the existing inner with some metal polish which might give you better result than getting a new one.


I'd probably make a right old mess of it so i'll steer clear of this one :D


3 hours ago, Pseudotectonic said:

It's fine, as long as the inner barrel is still supported and not rattling around inside the outer barrel.


Thanks for the help all the same. I've elected to go for the Prometheus barrel for the sake of it being the same size as the standard inner barrel.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm back after installing the bucking, nub and prometheus 6.03mm barrel.


I picked up a chrono just to make sure I wasn't over any limits before I played with the upgrades. I tested it today after running about ~500 bbs through the gun. Using 0.28g BBs (without any hop applied (see pictures)) i'm getting a consistent 275-280fps range. Using a conversion table, this is sitting just over 1.0Joule and is around 325-330fps on 0.2g BBs. This is fine.


When applying hop, I found that the fps drops dramatically on setting 10 of 15. When I say dramatically I saw around 90-100fps loss when using 0.28g BBs. I understand applying hop increases friction to apply spin and will reduce FPS but surely not this much? Unfortunately I don't have enough space to adjust hop properly until I get to my local field and fine tune it then. Could it be that I was applying an excessive amount of hop and gripping the BB too much?


Any ideas welcome and i'm sorry I didn't get pics of chrono with hop applied.





Edited by MrTea
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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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