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Balystik regulator leaking


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I filled up my tank and went to test all my gear today and the regulator leaking from the little hole at the back?

Not sure if I can fix this before tomorrows game :(


Thanks for any advice.



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Mine had this issue, which ended up being the o ring on the bottle, so might be worth a look?

They are easy to strip down if needed. (youtube)

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Thank you, I msg high pressure airsoft as it still within warranty so it been sent back to the shop.

The tank psi gauge was also not working so they will fix that as well.


But next time I will learn to take it apart and fix it.

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1 hour ago, GothicGhost said:

I was told never use oil in a setup so the regulator Orings do I just replace them instead of adding silicone oil?


A little Silicone grease for orings is best .

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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I think there was a bad batch of these a while back?  but thought they would have all been cleared by now!

Id contact where you bought it from just in case.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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