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Vorsk Bio Tracers


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So i have run out of tracers and the only ones available to me a short notice is Vorsk Bio Tracers can anyone comment on quality, are they likely to shatter, do they have high defect levels are they bright?

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44 minutes ago, BigStew said:

So i have run out of tracers and the only ones available to me a short notice is Vorsk Bio Tracers can anyone comment on quality, are they likely to shatter, do they have high defect levels are they bright?

Lots of quality complaints recently. Shattering and under the microscope looks like a moonscape. 



Edited by Asomodai
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31 minutes ago, Asomodai said:

Lots of quality complaints recently. Shattering and under the microscope looks like a moonscape. 



non tracers tomorrow it is then


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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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