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Nozzle and hop unit wear after one game


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So took my newly fixed gun for a game and it was great it shot perfectly try other than after 40 or 50 meters it would curve left but my mates stock gun dis something similar so thought nothing of it.


Just took it apart to thoroughly clean the barrel and found this on my nozzle only on the top left and it's the same inside my hop unit 



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Yeah, gearbox isn't lined-up properly with the hop unit.

Check that there isn't anything pushing sideways on the gearbox and that the inner barrel and hop unit sit nicely inside the outer barrel.

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Yep and probably the hop rubber too if you want it to work efficiently.

But of course you have to sort out the alignment first.



Edited by EDcase
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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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