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Parts for my ASG p-09 Part 30 and 86


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Does anybody know where i can get my hands on some part form my ASG p-09 Greengass pistol (- 17657).  The parts i need are the plastic part on the botom of the magazine Part 30 i think. ANd part 86 on the bottom of the handle where you can fasten a lanyard for safty (not to loos the pistol in the woods)


Part 30 and Part 86


I live in Norway so parts are sometimes har to get my hands on


Otto Ødegård


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You can email KJW directly and they can give you a quote to send directly from their factory. However, I've been trying to get parts for my cz75 and the last time I emailed kjw, they were not shipping to the UK, so you might be just out of luck unless you buy a new one unfortunately.

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I got part 86 for $2 from KJW but they said that ASG hat the rights to part 30 because it has an logo on it. Shipping to Norway no problem

I found the part 17657 -18116 PART 30 but it cost €20 pluss shipping a whole magazine cost baut €35. thats bas

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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