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My Christmas present to me...


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Literally 30 seconds ago, I bought an EU17 Gen4 to go partner with the one my son uses, mainly so I can get to use the pair of tracers I just bought.


I bought it as my Christmas gift as I know like for the 15th year in a row that I won't get what I asked for yet I get what is asked of me... long story but easier to accept that its the defacto in my life, never getting what I want unless I specifically buy it myself for me... Sad I know but I am pretty sure that there are plenty of guys who would appreciate a RIF or Grenade pack or a new Mollie or similar but no... we get SOCKS AND FRIGGING CHEAP SLIPPERS FROM JOHNATHAN JAMES, cuz thats all we're worth... subliminal messaging on a consumer level platform... new take on hidden feminisim there... 

So I managed to bag a cheap pistol, EU17 Gen4 just liek the one I got my son as I know that the tracers I bought work with that piece without me having to check if the piece has screw threads of the internal or external variety...


The Acetech Brighter C tracers came with the 14 to 11mm so I am able to swap them on the AEG's if these work out better as they appear to pack a bigger punch than the other set I got for the as the BB's come out glowing more brighter.


I got the EU17 here https://msrairsoft.com/products/we-eu17 
and the Brighter C's here https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B08P47TFCC 


You can guess what I will be doing on Christmas Day...

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