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Program an Perun ETU++


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I grabbed a couple of ETU++'s a couple of weeks back.

Just got the screwdriver today to install them.


Programming, at a total loss, I have no idea in what you do, so far semi-auto is now full auto, full auto hasn't been touched and the setting is the only one that seems to work.

I see the coloured LED, green, it then flashes blue when I set that first option, then nothing.

Do I have to keep flipping the switch from semi to full auto or something? as pulling the rigger only sets the first option..

I haven't tried the second one yet/

Also, watching youtuber who have fitted, again, no idea as they ramble on and then race through bits and important bits say bugger all. I am in the dark.


Anyone got the secret ingredient on how to?

Edited by AirSniper
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Flip the fire selector until the mosfet enters the setup section then use the trigger to set desired setting within the category you are in. Then flip the fire selector again, just one and only to the other fire mode, not safe and the mosfet should change its led colour to the new category colour. Again its trigger to run through the settings/levels.


Regards the fire mode. That is a little trickier as it is the setting you're in when the mosfet enters setup mode that gets changed. 

I found starting in semi and toggling from there meant semi was selected. Then starting from auto meant by the time I'd done the required flips to enter setup it was back on auto and it was the auto setting that was selected.

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BINGO... Sorted it.

Thanks for that, instructions are not that clear, you get told to whizz the selector back and forth but donlt see a mention on doing it again to set the setting, still, got there in the end.


Means tomorrow my full auto can be semi and not flout the no full auto rule...

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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