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£18 Battlesim this weekend (31/10/21) in Richmond - proceedings donated to 'the army benevolent fund'


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So i'm going to my first ever battle-sim which is zombie themed (halloween I guess) and the game plan looks pretty fun, there is even prizes for best kills etc.   I haven't played in a long time so i'm going to get shot to sh*t but it's all fun and for a good cause so what's not to like?


If anyone else is interested in going its based near Richmond (N.Yorkshire) and all proceedings will be donated to 'the army benevolent fund'.


link below to their Facebook advert or google Adrenalin Airsoft and give them a call to enquire.




(Just thought I'd mention that I have no ties with this site what so ever and this will be my first time playing there)





Edited by Oneshotscott
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