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Hello From Essex

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Hello chaps. I suppose I'm an fng again! 


Been around for quite a while but new to this forum. I started airsoft probably about 20 years ago when AEG's came it two flavours. Marui if you wanted something reliable and CA if you wanted something with a metal body. Rentals were all TM famas's and US woodland was the fashionable camo. Airsoft dynamics still had a good reputation and two-tone guns were western arms infinity's. So I'm getting on... 


I can normally be found running around with an m60 or shotgun if I'm running a lighter kit. Although anything goes really. I'm into Vietnam period kit, green machine, tiger stripes whatever. I can normally be found at awa herts or dragons lair. I look forward to reading through the forum and getting to know you, perhaps there are some familiar faces :)

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Welcome to the forum, full of advice and like minded players! 🔫🤪👍

Still going strong, hopefully be back open soon! 🤞

Sure there are players on here based in Essex? 🔫😎👍


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Hiya @Chief

welcome to the fold 👍

I think we are all waiting for the time when we can get back outside to play lol

Have fun looking around the forum and getting involved if you want.


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Thanks, had a look around and it looks like a good forum! Plenty to read. 


My play style is usually see where the cluster is and bring a machine gun to bear to get things moving again. I tend to try and squad up with new or rental players to make sure they have a good day. Although perhaps I do use the odd one as a "range finder" 😇 



I'm no glory hog and use support guns in the intended support role, covering and suppressing to allow others to get the kills. Although give me the opportunity and I'll chew up entire squads! 

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