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Pts Us Palm Ak Grip (Dremel Related Content)

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Has anybody installed one of these on their CYMA AK AEG?



No, NOT the CYMA knockoff version - I'm talking about the legit PTS version.


Just got mine, and it definitely is not a drop-in fit on my CYMA CM.045.


If I push it up to full mate with the receiver, the bottom screw will not align with the motor cage.


If I align the bottom hole on the grip with the motor cage, then I'm left with a gap between the grip and receiver. Either way, the gearbox isn't liking it being either pulled out of alignment of wobbling around.


So, before I break out the Dremel and files, has anyone successfully installed one on their CYMA?


It's a beautifully molded piece of kit, the quality is exceptional. But if it's too much of a ballache I will send it back and source the CYMA knockoff instead.





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39 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:

unfortunately it does seem to be a thing that some ak's take certain grips and others don't.




There's no way that I can get this grip to work - it throws the GB completely out of whack. Oh well.



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14 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:

i assume they don't specify what brand it is meant for?


Nope. Just 'AEG'.


I've been looking around, a few reviews said that it fits CYMAs ok, but needs the tabs dremmeling. But there is no way this one is fitting on mine. It pulls the GB completely out of alignment, rotating around the safety.


Not really worth the hassle, I'll find the CYMA alternative which I know will just drop-in. Won't be as nice, but it'll get the job done.

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