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Gbb Pistol Inner Barrels.

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Does anyone have experience using 6.01mm inner barrels? That's pretty narrow, so just concerned I may have issues using one in my TM G19 if the ammo isn't the best of the best.


Also, it's only 87mm long. Does it have much of an effect on range/accuracy? (Specifically looking at the Lambda ones).



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2 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:

you gotta keep on top of cleaning to keep them shooting good.


Cleaning! Effforrrt!...Have ordered, so will see how I get on. Cheers.

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4 minutes ago, Cr0-Magnon said:


Cleaning! Effforrrt!...Have ordered, so will see how I get on. Cheers.


if i had a penny for every time a quick swish with a cleaning rod made a gun suddenly so much better, i'd have 12 pence :P

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1 hour ago, Adolf Hamster said:


if i had a penny for every time a quick swish with a cleaning rod made a gun suddenly so much better, i'd have 12 pence :P


Do you use isopropyl alcohol?

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