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Christian V Photography

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A place to share the amazing pictures always taken by the on site photographer down at Reforger Airsoft. Feel free to contribute your own! This is just to showcase the quality of the photos you're likely to get (for free I might add) should you come and check the site out, and to hopefully alleviate quarantine boredom for some of you. 









Taken 26/07/20, Me and two mates of mine




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I'm challenging the 'London' on a couple of points; it is outside the M25, the nearest busses are not recognised by TFL and therefore oyster payment.


I will add this to the reopening list as it looks interesting even if it does mean a 5:30am journey start time. 


As Master Windu would say 'i grant you the title of airsoft site. You have earned that. Tfl does not give you the rank of London'

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Never used public transport to get to a site before (mostly due to the sheer amount of gear I have) so wasn't aware; good point though. Amended now I guess

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I fear this didnt cone across as light hearted as intended, for that I apologise. 

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