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Ak Sight

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Acquired this in a boneyard box, battered and missing its battery cover and locking arm


My question is would this be real or rare as I don't think I've seen an ak replica like this


Thanks for looking 




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5 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:

that's a kobra, although i'm not enough of an expert to tell if it's real or a clone (afaik clones do exist but they're pretty rare as airsoft optics go)

from a bit of digging it looks like a Airsoft clone but who makes it I have no clue



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2 minutes ago, strykerles said:

from a bit of digging it looks like a Airsoft clone but who makes it I have no clue




interesting comparison, i don't know who makes them either i just remember it being discussed on here ages ago (maybe in macks?)

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38 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:


interesting comparison, i don't know who makes them either i just remember it being discussed on here ages ago (maybe in macks?)


I think it was you when you said something like "there comes a time in a mans life when he needs a kobra"  😂

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