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Gg T416 Help Needed

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Hi all,


I have recently gotten an old (about 5 years) G&G T416. It's shooting about 310 fps but sounds like a sick dog, there's not much snap in the shot so I'm wondering if the motor might be on it's way out? Also if I leave it in single shot mode but don't actually shoot it for say 10 mins when I press the trigger nothing happens until I switch to full auto and then the triggers alive again, incidentally my MP5 does this any ideas why?


I'm looking at spending approx £200 on parts for the G&G and will attempt the upgrade myself (how else do we learn). I'm thinking new motor, mofset and maybe a tight bore barrel but would be grateful for your suggestions. I don't want to exceed 320 fps so it can be used anywhere. 


Thanks in advance. 

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hard to tell without looking inside the box. possibly the rough sound is either bad shimming or the motor is too tight (easy to tell, tighten it in, then loosen it gradually until you find that sweet spot of best sound)


motor dropping out could be a number of things, if it's too tight it could be stalling or possibly with age you could be looking at carbon on the trigger contacts (assuming it doesn't have a mosfet fitted)


i'd hold fire on the parts spree initially and just take a look at what's already in there, no sense replacing something that's still doing its job ok.

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