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We Scar L GBB HPA Setup

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I’ve got a WE gbb scar L 


im Looking at running a hpa line for it but don’t want to constantly change the line on every 30 round magazine.


ive been looking at the armourer works drum mag and running that with the Hpa



anybody done this? How was it? Or better to go another route? 




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4 hours ago, FatNinja11 said:

Haha wow! I’ll probably just sell it on and pick up something already hpa or a Tm recoil or something 


why not run it as just a gbb? weather aint so bad at the minute.

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Yes, this is what i run with on a 416c

Its very good! slight issue with full auto sometimes, but im really a semi auto player and its faultless then.

I used to  make my own hpa hi cap mags but decided to go with the armourer works drum mag and hpa tap it. Well worth it :)


I used to have the scar many years ago and the psi would sit around 100, but with the 416 its 40 psi and bang on our limit.

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