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Vfc Mp7 AEG

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I really want the MP7 AEG by VFC but I have heard some mixed reviews on them when they first came out,

has anyone got one recently and had any problems or has VFC finally fixed it?



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I do not have one but I looked at getting one, because I love the Mp7 and my TM AEP version just doesn't cut it. 

Every review I could find basically warned me away from it, due to a few inherent issues with the design.


It will break, just a case of when. Parts can be a pain to get and it will always break again. 

I looked on their facebook group and some people are on their 4 - 5 gun and just waiting for it to break. 

I don't know if they have redesigned it since i researched it last year. Apparently the gun its self its awesome, just the insides suck. 


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looks like I am going to give this gun a pass for a while then until VFC get there act together and make a V2

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