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Umarex H8r Gen.2

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Now the Summer is solidly upon us and fields are re-opening I'm trying to put together a loadout which will be light and cool.


My plan to avoid running too much is using my VSR-10. However that's left me wondering which sidearm would be best for not having to worry about gas bottles and extra mags.


Am I crazy for thinking an Umarex H8R would be the ideal solution? Non-blowback so very gas efficient, CO2 = lots of shots per bulb and I can easily carry a few bulbs in my pockets, small plastic disks rather than much larger and heavier metal magazines. Bonus is that they're less than £100.


The only trouble is they don't seem to be available in the UK.

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I mean, any pistol would work. When I run my VSR I only use a belt kit and I manage to carry my VSR with 4 mags and my P226 with 5 mags, as well as a bottle of water.


Now, I usually also ghillie up, but if it's stupidly hot I can just run that belt kit with a pair of trousers and a t-shirt if I want.


Honestly though, if you want a sidearm where you don't have to worry about anything... TM MP7 AEP in a drop leg platform. No need for gas because it's electric and the mags are super light.

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