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Riot Shields/Ballistic Shields. Yay or Nay?

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1 hour ago, Adolf Hamster said:



This is a very strong point.


After all we expect hits to a finger, glancing blows off a helmet, or hits to a plate carrier to count as kills, and folk are more than happy to argue that a 1/4" peice of plywood counts as hard cover, or that a bb deflected by a leaf doesnt count.

This is why I think the degradable aspect could be a game changer (without the usual stigma associated with shields), sure, it's a "bulletproof" shield, but with a very limited lifespan per game, with the right scenarios in place it'll force the users to have to adapt a fast dynamic playing style, but once the shield fails all possible advantages are lost.

as in my earlier post, the users would have to adhere to western law enforcement rules such as single shot only, whereas the defending "bandits" can have an almost anything goes approach, within reason ?

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