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Boneyard G36c

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Any accessories included: 

Boneyard g36c, unknown brand. when the trigger is pulled nothing happens, could be as simple as a disconnected wire or the gearbox could be completely messed up.

Includes Cyma hi cap, m4 adapter and zero one 1600 mAh NiMh battery



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£40 posted 


edit: this may not be what you want to hear but g36 external parts are basically worth nothing, the mag adaptor ehh you could get a fiver for that maybe. If I was you (and to be fair i've got about 2.5 g36's worth of bits knocking around) I'd take the barrel hop and gearbox out, stick it on ebay with the starting price enough to cover postage then throw the rest away. 

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You gotta consider that costs could include the need for a new switch assembly with wiring and potentially a new motor. If you could rule that out and confirm they are working and on top of that confirm it feeds and fires okay you might be able to push the above suggested quotes up a bit.


If not, I would agree with @GeorgePlaysAirsoft around the 40... 45 quid mark -  he also has a point about selling it in pieces on eBay possibly netting you more.

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