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Former Reading Mall Player Returning!

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Hello! I've recently returned to the hobby after a 3 year break in which I sold all my airsoft kit to put myself through college a second time. I've recently saved enough to get myself a fresh start into the hobby. When I first started the hobby I spent so much money on things that I really didn't need and honestly I regretted it a lot since I was getting the same performance as the average joe with his CM16 - which is about a third of the price of my kit. Starting again has been great because I am now knowledgeable enough to know what is good value and what isn't. 

Sadly the site I frequented (The Mall) shut down so I'm looking around the berkshire area for people to play with, and also to try some new sites. 

I hope everyone is staying safe during these tricky times, and are somehow managing to entertain themselves!

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@Pengelly πŸ‘‹

Welcome back, good luck getting your new gear, from your experience and hopefully soon get back into it! 🀞

There’s a number of sites and players advice, just need to check it out! πŸ€”πŸ‘

I’ve been to a few sites, I can recommend my regular site, Red Alert! πŸ”«

Stay Safe! πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘



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  • Head Moderator

Welcome :).

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