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outer barrel to receiver fit.. (vsr copy)

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Hello got a vsr10 copy, cyma 501 i think,

Have been changing/making some parts all fine, just got a AA hop chamber to fit (impressed with the fit)

One main part Im not keen on or know how to improve is how the outer barrel screws into the receiver .... how much do you screw it in ?

Screw it in all the way and it will be out of align... back it off so its in align fine, but the cylinder is up against the hop up unit - is this fine ?

screw it in but stop before its tight and so that its aligned then its loose in the receiver  - I am not a fan of the grub screw to lock it in place as seems to chew the thread up a touch

Im using cylinder guide ring/bushes i have made

Question Im trying to resolve, how much do you screw them in ? is it so the cylinder is up flush with the hop up unit ?   And how do you make it a good fit ? or do you rely on when its all bolted to the stock to hold it firm ?

any help or pointers would be great .... or am i being too picky .... 

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on my Mb03 (vsr10 ish) I just screwed it all the way in and then backed it off till the bottom screw aligned with the cut out and nipped the top and bottom screws up, not too tight or they'll strip. it leaves it slightly wobbly but when it's bolted into the stock it's totally solid.

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