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Safety precautions for laser tag games

Millie Miah
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My brother is planning to avail of the services of this laser tag hire company for my nephew’s upcoming birthday. Even though he says that this is suitable for all ages, can you tell me what safety precautions should we know for this? If you have experiences with your kids playing laser tag, I would love to know them too. Thanks!


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this is an airsoft forum, so maybe not the best place to get advice for laser tag.


from what i've seen of laser tag the only real precautions i see being worthy of note is the standard ones for running around a site, so good boots and clothes you don't mind getting torn up by brambles/covered in mud, especially if it's an outdoor site (indoor sites will be cleaner so you can get away with a tracksuit and trainers)


i'm not sure on the specifics of the lasers they're using, but i presume if eye protection is required it will be provided by the site. you're not firing actual projectiles like we do in airsoft so there shouldn't be any need to protect teeth/fingers, although gloves are always a good idea.

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Don't worry, the kids will be given eye protection goggles even though the lasers are very low power anyway.

Is it indoors or outside in woodland?


If outdoors the most common injury would be a twisted ankle or fall so I would suggest a good pair of shoes/boots with ankle support.


For indoors there isn't much to worry about except them running into each other ;)

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