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Anyone have a soft spot for baby hicapas?

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I know they are low powered, not terribly reliable and not at all practical for skirmishing. I also know that hicapas are not among WE's better gbb offerings. In fact they tend to get pasted in reviews.


But do they have enough charm in the looks department to justify buying as a gun to shoot occasionally for fun and keep on display? I rather like their dinky compact looks and have heard that the recoil on them can give you a buzz.


I just wondered how many members have acquired one at some stage.

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I’ve got a full size one (somewhere!) that I’ve had for yrs but it went tits up a while ago, hopefully RDbert can resurrect it for me when I send it off to him soon .

not practical ? What gun even is ? I’ve got a 6inch chrome TM python that’s a hoot to shoot !

AND if you want impractical/unscurmishable ? Try my break body loading Webbly ! 🤣

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