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Tokyo Marui revolver??

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Been looking at revolvers recently to get as a second gun/sidearm cause I LOVE revolvers and they just look cool. Thought it’d make sense to get a TM revolver as they have 24 shots and shoot at an FPS that is actually allowed at the place I go to but there are a few things I’m uncertain about:

- What gas do they use?

- Are there any speedloaders that work with it or do I just have to spend ages reloading?

- what holsters can it actually fit in?

- Is it actually good??


Thanks in advance 👍👍

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Marui speedloaders should work.


I imagine they would fit most revolver holsters on the market.


Low FPS but you would probably get a decent range with the fixed hop and 0.23s; up to 30 yards I would say.

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I use propane in both mine , you use just a bogstandard speed loader nothing special , and what ever revolver is listed for a particular holster then the TMs will fit as there near as one to one in size and shape of the equivalent real one .

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