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Need help finding a high cap mag for my sig

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Hi, I recently purchased a JG sig 550 and it just so happens that the website I bought it off of doesn't sell mags for it. I know it takes STANAG mags but I don't know if there are certain ones I need or not. Would greatly appreciate the help as it gets through the one mag it has very quickly. Thanks!!

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Here you go matey done it for you .😉

Jing Gong SIG mags

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Sigs don't take STANAG mag. Google is your friend. But heads up the jg is a clone of the tokyo marui sig series so any thing th a t will fit a TM will fit your jg.

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17 hours ago, BigStew said:

Sigs don't take STANAG mag. Google is your friend. But heads up the jg is a clone of the tokyo marui sig series so any thing th a t will fit a TM will fit your jg.

Thanks :) 

all I could find before were sold out jg ones that were years out of date. Good to know that I can just use tm mags or others that work with Tm's 

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