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Anyone want to be a sniper?

Guest Inked Airsofter
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Guest Inked Airsofter

Hi all! Would anyone be interested in buying a spring sniper rifle (with scope, bipod and a few upgrades still in box) figured would ask here first before putting it up, I have a ASG M40A3 I am looking to sell, however it has been two toned green but can easily be sorted out 

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So basically you’ve stuck a ‘for sale’ post in a kit section ?😳


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@Inked Airsofter If you want to sell, then post an advert in the Classifieds.  If you want an idea of what people will pay, then use the Appraisals section.


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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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