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Acetech AT2000 tracer module

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I prefer it to the AT1000 because it's a bit shorter.


But then you have to insert it in that long silencer it's designed for.


Is it not available in its own shell?


Or are there smaller silencer units that will fit it? 


I know all about the Acetech rechargeable units which are generally shorter, but I am asking specifically about the AT2000.

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I have the AT2000. They’re often sold with KAC suppressors. They’re 32mm wide so they should fit in most. Sadly I bought mine for my mk12. It fits will loads of room... until you screw it onto the gun. The mk12 flash hider screws in half way through the silencer making it just too short. Providing the space left in the suppressor is longer than the tracer module after the flash hider if it’s QD, you should be fine. If you remove the flash hider to fit the suppressor then you don’t need to worry so much. 

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