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Help finding sites around my work days

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As the title suggests I need some help finding some sites to play that fit in around my work. Unfortunately, I work Thursday nights – Saturday daytime and Sunday daytime.


I live around the Chelmsford, Essex area and work in Braintree but happy to drive. I play a lot at HPA Hockley as their night CQB games fit in with my work however I find their small site very repetitive in games, and lately the marshaling has gone downhill making the games not enjoyable.


Most sites I have found are either Saturday or Sundays except for a few like to mall or DTW in Colchester who do Thursday nights as well so not found anything new.

I’ve now used all my holiday up so can not take any more time off so was wondering if anyone knows of any other sites that might open mid week or do night games ?

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7 minutes ago, madmogga said:

As the title suggests I need some help finding some sites to play that fit in around my work. Unfortunately, I work Thursday nights – Saturday daytime and Sunday daytime.


I live around the Chelmsford, Essex area and work in Braintree but happy to drive. I play a lot at HPA Hockley as their night CQB games fit in with my work however I find their small site very repetitive in games, and lately the marshaling has gone downhill making the games not enjoyable.


Most sites I have found are either Saturday or Sundays except for a few like to mall or DTW in Colchester who do Thursday nights as well so not found anything new.

I’ve now used all my holiday up so can not take any more time off so was wondering if anyone knows of any other sites that might open mid week or do night games ?



Not the greatest site, but Bunker 51 in charlton plays a Saturday night from 6-7pm. 

Reforger plays Saturday nights occasionally during the summer, you might be a bit late for that though. They also do Wednesday/Thursday nights 4 times a year. Again in the summer. 

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