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Upgrading g18 aep CYMA

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Hi and nope, none of the above.  It's a clone of the Tokyo Marui AEPs and will take those parts.




The first thing I'd suggest is wiring it to take lipos:  http://crapworks.blogspot.com/2013/04/airsoft-glock-18c-nimh-to-lipo.html


The difference in both semi auto response and RoF is significant, and it's also pretty much a pre-requisite to the other big improvement, an upgraded spring which should bring it up from ~200fps to 260fps+.




You might consider swapping the stock nylon bushings out for Laylax bushings, although I seem to have just bought the last set from Eagle6.  Probably not critical, that's more of a longevity issue.


I'm running the stock barrel and rubber, although I've flat hopped it and am using good old pencil eraser as a nub.  It's fairly consistent, at least for CQB purposes.



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1 hour ago, Rogerborg said:

Hi and nope, none of the above.  It's a clone of the Tokyo Marui AEPs and will take those parts.




The first thing I'd suggest is wiring it to take lipos:  http://crapworks.blogspot.com/2013/04/airsoft-glock-18c-nimh-to-lipo.html


The difference in both semi auto response and RoF is significant, and it's also pretty much a pre-requisite to the other big improvement, an upgraded spring which should bring it up from ~200fps to 260fps+.




You might consider swapping the stock nylon bushings out for Laylax bushings, although I seem to have just bought the last set from Eagle6.  Probably not critical, that's more of a longevity issue.


I'm running the stock barrel and rubber, although I've flat hopped it and am using good old pencil eraser as a nub.  It's fairly consistent, at least for CQB purposes.



You are Teflon Mike and I claim five of your weatherproof English pownds.


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