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New cqb site in N West.

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A couple of months ago I bumped into an acquaintace who was in the process of setting up a new indoor airsoft venue on the top floor of the Victoria Mill in Atherton.


Later I visited and saw the preparations being started at the site.


I volunteered my services to help in getting things ready and was on the point of doing so when I fell and broke my hip.


I didn't have the man's telephone number and couldn't alert him to the fact that I was in hospital.


So I have no idea how the work is progressing.


In a couple more weeks I should be able to go over and see for myself.


Does anybody on here know anything about it?

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Sorry to hear you got injured, hope you get well soon. Nice to see another site open up near to Manchester. Is the guy that is running it called Ian from Go Ballistic paint ball by any chance? 

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