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GHK G5 thinking of switching to electric

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Hi all, 


Firstly, I'm new to the forum and sort of new to airsoft. I have a GHK G5 that I bought some years ago and I am considering changing it for something electric. Is selling it a wise move? It's almost new, however, a friend recommended an electric gun and now I am truly lost as I thought these were far better in terms of reliability. After firing a few test shots in the garden the mag started leaking! It's almost brand new!



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An AEG is far more reliable and effective in game than a GBBR. Its much less susceptible to temperature, is more efficient ( a 7.4v 1400mah batt should last you a full day) and therefore cheaper to run. even a AEG with a low cap mag will have a higher capacity than a GBBR which will put you at a disadvantage in game. Gas mags need to be maintained kept gassed and seals lubed. your mag should be easy to fix even if you need to replace seals. It's not all negative GBBRs are fun and a kill with one is very satisfying. If you can afford it i would say fix the GHK G5 and get an AEG as well a perfectly good one can be had for under £150 with mags and batteries. 


if you decided to sell the G5 you are going to take a fair loss the going rate 2nd hand seems to be about £250.00 with a few mags so one with a dodgy mag will be a lot less. if you can fix the mag and afford an aeg as well defently keep it. if not i would be interested 

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9 hours ago, menor95 said:

I have a GHK G5 that I bought some years ago


Then it's not "almost new". The seals have dried out.  Get some silicone oil in there, or try Abbey Predator maintenance gas if you want to spend more.


If you're going to be a casual airsofter, I would agree with buying something electric.  Rather than selling used then buying new, you might be lucky and get a trade for something electric with the same retail value.

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