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Systema PTW Hop up broken

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Hi all,


I’m writing this for a friend. He’s had an A&K Systema PTW clone for a while now, and recently the hop chamber needed replacing. He’s bought one but we’re not sure how to fit it. It seems different to how you would fit a standard m4 style hop up.

Any guidance would be appreciated! 





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Thank you, but I should have been more specific!

After splitting the gun we cannot get the hop chamber out. It doesn’t seem to slide out with the barrel like in a standard M4. And we don’t want to damage it so we didn’t want to just yank the thing out  😅

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Thank you! His googling skills must be lacking since he said he couldn’t find anything and requested that I asked on here. 

Again, thank you! We will give it a go and update here!

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Might sound daft but have you removed the charging handle as that can get in the way? My ptw hop units just slide out with zero effort. It's also possible the barrel key has dislodged and is jamming against the outer barrels inner surface.

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