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AUG or G36

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5 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:

not that i know much about how the aug's are setup internally it sounds exactly how the f2000 is setup


personally i quite like it, external trigger contacts, motor cage and a removable mainspring make it super easy to work on compared to a v2 box. 


The aug gearbox is version 3. The contact group is very simple. You have no selector plate. The front contacts are a dolly system like an AK, But it's always a single shot contact, The secondary contacts are 2 connections on the outside of the gearbox behind the trigger that do auto only.

The action of the trigger  is done on a separate plate and spring above the physical trigger. Under the plate there is a ball and socket or a groove and sprung bar to register the single shot position. Other than that it's just a linear bar with return spring.

Motor is caged, And all wires are exposed. It's an extremely robust system.

AK contacts in green box, Secondary highlighted with pink dots with exploded view.


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