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Younger airsoft player... I need help on RIFs

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Hi all I'm a young airsoft player (16) and I was wondering if you should get a two-tone and wait the 2 years before I'm able to get a defence for RIFs any suggestions or legal way round this cus is don't want to be easily spotted and look like a noob in the process..?

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Nobody is going to think you're a 'noob' for using a two tone gun. It's a part of the law we all have to abide by. As you're under 18 you'll still need an adult to purchase it regardless of whether it's an IF or RIF

If you get an IF you can always tape it up with rifle tape whilst on site and hide the two tone that way. 


If you want a RIF you can either:

A: Wait until you're 18, get a defense and purchase it yourself

B: Ask an adult with a valid defense to gift it to you

C: Use the ones on-site. 


I suggest reading the pinned posts in UK Law. 




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  On 19/05/2018 at 03:36, Gepard said:

If you get an IF you can always tape it up with rifle tape whilst on site and hide the two tone that way. 



That's the simplest and least questionable method.  And don't fret, people don't know that they've been hit with a BB from an IF rather than a RIF.


Without wanting to encourage anything, I feel compelled to note that the defence to modifying an IF into a RIF doesn't have a minimum age limit, and neither does it require a UKARA number.  However, the most important thing is to be sensible, responsible and build up a body of evidence that you can use to demonstrate that you are taking part in the nebulous "permitted activities", i.e. skirmishing at an insured airsoft site on private land.


Play for a while, talk to the other players, and your question will mostly answer itself.

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