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Events Calendar

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I was looking for an events calendar for uk Airsoft, but can’t seem to find one that has more than a few sites events on. Airbana’s Is offline at the moment, so that might be good when it’s working, but I have no idea. 


Does anyone know of one?

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A member on here created one, www.airsofteventsuk.info .




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  • 2 weeks later...

Any idea why I can only access it on my mobile, but my laptop, work pc & iPad all say the server dns could not be found?

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29 minutes ago, GuyGotGuns said:

Any idea why I can only access it on my mobile, but my laptop, work pc & iPad all say the server dns could not be found?

Don't know if was a temporary issue, but works fine from my Laptop.


Maybe your mobile is going via 4G and the rest via wifi/network cable? In which case it might be problem with your ISP's DNS lookup.


I've had a similar issue with other websites before and a router reboot sorted it.




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  • Root Admin

If this is a DNS problem then it's got nothing to do with the site and everything to do with your ISP. If your phone is using data then it will be using your network provider's DNS. Your laptop etc. on the other hand, will be using the DNS of your home internet provider. In short: Your ISP keeps a log of how something like 'google.com' translates to an IP address. It's like a forwarding service that finds how the domain name (again something like 'airsoft-forums.co.uk') correspond to an IP address (for AFUK our IP is


Many mobiles will 'cache' DNS stuff for far longer than your laptop. So once it has the correct IP, it tends to stick with that IP for much longer (say a week or two weeks) before it looks it up again. This could also explain the issue.


Easy way to test is to use a free proxy and see if that solves it: https://www.proxysite.com/


Longer term, I'd suggest moving away from your ISP's own DNS as they're usually shit. Google and Cloudflare both run quite excellent DNS services. Below are a couple of links on how to use either:




I'm using Cloudflares. It's marginally quicker than my ISP and solved a similar issue I was having to you.

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