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Hi all.


Ordered 3, 180 round ICS T-MAGs on 2/4. Still waiting as of today 23/4.


Website does say there is a 2 week turn around. So I'll phone them tomorrow and update this post accordingly.


Anyone dealt with this company before?





Update: Pellpax are wating on the mags from thier own suppliers. Should arrive in the next week or so.


Update 2: I cancelled the order after 1 month. Cancelled without issue though, and dude on the phone was like "Fair enough, can't blame you".

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Not likely mate as they're primarily a paintball retailer with a very small section of their stock devoted to airsoft.

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Thanks, good to know.


They have ordered the Mags from thier own suppliers and are waiting on them arriving. Should arrive in the next week or so...


I'd say that I wouldn't want to order from here if you're in a hurry.


Lesson learned:

Check forum first..!

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