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Best noob gun to mod

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interested in trying my hand/learning how to mod/repair and aeg.  though rather than risking my rather expensive ICS im wondering what the concensus is for a cheap gun that has good compatability with parts, so that i can change springs etc.  must be cheap enough that i wouldnt be too heart broken if it turns out that i kill it (always a possibility) and also bad enough (fps or general reliability of parts) that its worth improving.


dont mind so much as to the platform.  i have toyed with a spring sniper to be the base, as i have enjoyed the times i was lent those on games.  but i figure that it would be more useful to try my hand at an electric gun.


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Buy anything cheap, M4 based, take it to pieces and put it back together a couple of times, make sure you can get it working, then start fiddling lol

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The gun doesn't matter so much, Pick one that works with the mags you have.

What is important is the space you choose to work in. It needs to be clean, and you need to be able to sit and work comfortably.

Tools you should own.

Decent soldering iron (variable temp) set to the solder you are using. If in doubt buy 63/37 eutectic solder and set the iron to 188C. And use rosin flux.
High wattage soldering iron 50-100W For doing deans.

Dremel/multi tool. With good speed control. It is better to run a single speed model on a sewing machine pedal, than it is to have a mains powered triac controlled unit. I'd also rate the 12-18V Transformer types over the mains triac units simply for the fact the torque is more controllable. A triac unit cannot be run with external speed control.

A selection of fine needle files, and a few good warding files.

Some nice jeweles screwdrivers.

Some nice allen keys into the small dimensions.

Storage. You will make a lot of mess, you will end up with a bin of spares. Keep them organised and it'll speed everything up, and mean when you do need to be back into a gearbox you can cherry pick your older parts and check for fit before you even look at buying something new. Or even just find the correct screw that you dropped and lost.

Chrono. It's important to own one if you tweak. There is nothing worse than building a sweet gearbox going to site and it shoots 355 and isn't allowed.


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