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Ahoy from Plymouth

The McGreal
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Ahoy and hello all,


I've been having a bit of a lurk on the forums recently and thought I would just jump in and say hello.


I'm totally new to airsoft in that it's something I've always been planning to try but just never got round to having a go at.
I've mainly played a lot of paintball but unfortunately down in the South West, although there are some great venues, they are all very much commercially orientated and don't have any kind of community built up around them.

I've had a browse online and it looks like my closest sites would be Thunder Park in Bodmin and Mad Momma's in Saltash.


Just thought I would put it out there and ask if any of you guys are local and have played at these sites?

I know that some people on some other posts have given some praise to Mad Momma's, but I wasn't sure if that was purely a walk-on park or if they had stuff for hire.


My plan would be to find a local place that had kit for hire and have a good few games before I got too serious. (I have a horrible feeling that it could get serious ;))

I'll probably want a good set of goggles and a lower face protector though :D


Anyway, nice to jump in and say hello.

I've found a lot of good information on this site so i didn't want to just lurk ^^


I've never messed with forums before though, so If I've managed to do something incorrectly I apologise profusely :)

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Hey mate, and Welcome! :D


No idea on the sites as I'm in Staffordshire lol, so no comment from me there.

Your plan is absolutely perfect and it will most likely get serious lol.


And the mesh stuff they hand out with hire kits is usually decent enough, so you may want to use that a few times (in my experience, it never hurts to take a rag of cloth with you to wipe the mesh down before you put it on, although it is usually cleaned after each game day at every site)


Hopefully see you on the field at some point as I plan to do a lot of travel for airsoft, up and down the country lol. :D

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Thanks dude,


That's not a bad idea on the cloth, and a spare change of clothes never hurts, (I tent to take any excuse to crawl around in the dirt lol)


Never know, if you're ever down this way I could well be totally obsessed by then :D

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Welcome! :)


Somehow I've missed this post up until now. Looks like you're all set to go play! You've clearly done a bit of research so I don't really have anything to add sadly as I've never played at either of the sites you mentioned. 


As for eye pro, are you under 18? If so I'd recommend the Dye i4s or if you're over 18 the ESS ICE. 

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Thanks Gepard,


I'll have a look at those eye protection options, definitely want to get something decent which also has some good ventilation.


Looks like Mad Momma's is currently in the process of moving site but from the looks of the facebook page they are almost ready to open.

I'll be dropping them an email this week to get some info on their site, it sounds like they have a really strong community there :)

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  • Head Moderator

Welcome :).

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