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Cold war kit.

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We have a cold war game come up every few months at one of our local sites. They don't enforce kit, but some take it more seriously than others.

You see the same loadouts most of the time.
DPM + L85's (because no one owns an SLR),
Vaguely Russian with an AK variant.
USA BDU's with M16's

A  few people have some very good kit, and others are in MTP with M4's (setting is not enforced).

It got me thinking about what you could actually get away with and still be in the correct kit. The cold war is such a huge time frame (1947-1991). And doesn't have any real international boundaries as no shots were fired.

My own thoughts to on throwing a random unique kit together are to do a Falklands islands defence force 1989 loadout.

DPM, with an aug. And watch the cold war brigade go mental.


The other option been worn blue jeans, black balaclava, AK, DPM smok.... I don't even need to explain this 1980's loadout.

What would you pick from that time frame?

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Flecktarn uniform and a G3 rifle. Everyone will tend to go Russian or Brit/American. So take a different approach and take one of the other frontline nations like the Germans.




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