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Hpa in Winter

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Hey guys looking for some help with my hpa. Any help would be muchly apprieciated :).


So ive recently got into hpa and i have tapped my gbb 416. However ive ran into a bit of a problem, in basic terms my rifle has lost a lot of power and dosent have the certain "kick" as it used to have. Maybe its due to winter? Im not too sure.


As a sidenote previously my gun fell into the same problem until i changed the hammer. I dont think however that it would have worn that quickly?.


I would love to hear any responses or suggestions into my problem.



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I run my hpa we scar throughout winter with no issues, so im not sure if that would be the cause! what psi is the regulator at and have you chrono'd it? if my psi is set too low it can make the recoil/ bolt cycle sloppy. 
Have a quick check for any leaks aswell.

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  • Root Admin

Probably not the gas itself as air is extremely resilient to temperature changes. Perhaps check your seals are properly greased though as many are affected by the cold (but it's not really cold enough right now for that to be a factor, frankly). You might just need to change some seals that're wearing out and can't stand up the cold as well.


I'd check the release valve in the mags in particular to see if they're sticking when actuated, but you should also check the bolt carrier group. Clean either with isopropyl alcohol to remove the crap and then use a quality grease like GunSav that's viscous enough that you won't need to replace it for another 6-12 months (and specifically made for the seals).

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  • Root Admin

The release valves in particular are prone to wear as they have a very thin thread that they're inserted with plus one or two seals internally. That said, if those are an issue you may wish to put them under water and see if they're leaking. It could also be sticking when it actuates (which would explain the low-FPS situation).


Another big one I failed to mention is that you may wish to check your hammer spring as the whole thing might be light-striking. If possible, buy a 150% hammer spring (these cost a couple of quid) to put your mind at ease. This wouldn't be explained by the cold weather, however.

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