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Noob to Airsoft (Not to Guns) Rifle Options

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Hi Guys & Gals,

I am new to the arena of Airsoft but not to guns (but that's a story for another day).


Have some spare pennies to buy a new rifle once UKARA is all done and dusted.


Looking for pro's, con's and real life long term usage of the following, other than the increasing costs and additional mag cost for the GBBR, anyone own the following and use weekly/monthly can shed any light on the best to go with.


Will be used mostly outdoors.


NUPROL Delta Jackal Alpha





ARES Amoeba Pro KM15 15" Octarms M4




PTS Syndicate Mega Arms MML .308 MATEN GBBR




Discuss :)





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I don't own any weapons my self so I could be wrong in saying this but I think my brother (he has a gas blow back g18) said gbbr and any gbb don't always work in the cold. Not sure why or if that is correct but I'll have a look around and if I see anything I'll be back for you. More experienced airsofters will have a better answer though, and welcome to the sport.

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Oh wow how did this get missed off

Belated welcome to AF-UK mate :)

I do not own any of these guns unfortunately so i can't help...

But for this

  On 24/01/2018 at 23:27, TheWolf said:

I don't own any weapons my self so I could be wrong in saying this but I think my brother (he has a gas blow back g18) said gbbr and any gbb don't always work in the cold. Not sure why or if that is correct but I'll have a look around and if I see anything I'll be back for you. More experienced airsofters will have a better answer though, and welcome to the sport.



Your brother is right to some extent. The guns will work for the most part, but not to the normal standards.

Depends on make and model and all that but something that is consistent regardless of gun used.

Cold weather = less efficient and  fps from gas

Warm/hot weather = more efficient and more fps


To combat the cold you can put more powerful gas in like Nuprol 3.0 (or 4.0 which is the black cans but this is for the highest fps and I imagine it would make a gbbr shoot hot at the chrono, i only own a TM pistol so i stick to 2.0 and 1.0)


Gas is less efficient in cold due to inability to expand and push the slide/bolt back, so it uses more to compensate this (or at least i imagine this is the case, as gas is a liquid in the can until its shaken)

And in the event of the gun venting gas it can freeze metal parts in place, likd my mate had a metal gbb pistol which vented 2.0 gas out the barrel during December and after that the slide wouldn't budge, it was just iced over at the barrel lol.


Either way. winter is generally not a good time for gas as a whole. Especially metal gas guns. 

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  • Head Moderator

Welcome :).

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  On 25/01/2018 at 05:14, LightningCh said:

Oh wow how did this get missed off

Belated welcome to AF-UK mate :)

I do not own any of these guns unfortunately so i can't help...

But for this


Your brother is right to some extent. The guns will work for the most part, but not to the normal standards.

Depends on make and model and all that but something that is consistent regardless of gun used.

Cold weather = less efficient and  fps from gas

Warm/hot weather = more efficient and more fps


To combat the cold you can put more powerful gas in like Nuprol 3.0 (or 4.0 which is the black cans but this is for the highest fps and I imagine it would make a gbbr shoot hot at the chrono, i only own a TM pistol so i stick to 2.0 and 1.0)


Gas is less efficient in cold due to inability to expand and push the slide/bolt back, so it uses more to compensate this (or at least i imagine this is the case, as gas is a liquid in the can until its shaken)

And in the event of the gun venting gas it can freeze metal parts in place, likd my mate had a metal gbb pistol which vented 2.0 gas out the barrel during December and after that the slide wouldn't budge, it was just iced over at the barrel lol.


Either way. winter is generally not a good time for gas as a whole. Especially metal gas guns. 


Oh okay. That's why. Anyhow aha thanks for correcting/confirming me and I'm going to keep the knowledge as I live I'm Scotland so it's always cold!

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