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Budget Pistol Torch

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Hi, I know that posts like this occur all the time, but I haven't found anything specific to my needs.

I have a Glock 17 (a SAA version) and a Safariland 6005 SLS holster with space for a torch. My question is what torch will fit?

According to the Safariland website and specs the SUREFIRE x300 will fit, however I am NOT spending £300 for a damn torch!


So, what are the better copies of a Surefire X300 for something around the £20-£30 mark?

Would this one do? http://amzn.eu/jdnbVel



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18 minutes ago, CARBr6 said:

Hi, I know that posts like this occur all the time, but I haven't found anything specific to my needs.



The Nuprol NX300 is a clone of the surefire x300




A lot cheaper than genuine. But haven't used one so I can't vouch for it.

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That's still a bit more than I was looking to pay, but at least it's an alternative if I can't find anything else.

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